
Entry (1/3)1  antsantsa
Part of speech  2  noun
Vocabulary  3  Zoology: fishes
Explanations in Malagasy  4  Trondron-dranomasina lava vatana sady matanjaka no masiaka -- indrindra ireo karazany antonontonony -- ka atahoran' ny olona izaitsizy, fa ireo lehibe kosa, izay mety mahatratra hatramin' ny 15 m. ny halavany, dia maro mpihaza fa mora be [1.1]
Explanations in English  5  A shark. See akio [1.2]
6  A shark [1.7]
Explanations in French  7  Requin [1.8]
Examples  8  iaraha-mahalala fa ny mamba dia mankahala fatratra ny ranomasina fonenan' ny antsantsa fahavalony. [2.5]
Synonyms  9  akio
Compound words 
Proverbs  12  Proverbs containing the word antsantsa

Entry (2/3)13  antsantsa
Part of speech  14  noun
Vocabulary  15  Zoology: reptiles, amphibians
Explanations in English  16  Name of a small lizard, called in Imerina antsiantsy. [1.2]
Synonyms  17  antsiantsy

Entry (3/3)18  antsantsa
Part of speech  19  noun
Vocabulary  20  Law
Explanations in English  21  In the provinces it is the name given to highway robbers. See jiolahy [1.2]
Synonyms  22  jiolahy

Anagrams  23  antsantsa, tsantsana

Updated on 2023/08/16